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미 독립기념일 리셉션 축사(7.3.)

2024-07-03 10:55:18

미 독립기념일 리셉션 축사

(2024.7.3.(수), 그랜드하얏트서울)

Ambassador Goldberg,

Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends,Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me begin by extending my warm congratulations on the 248th American Independence Day.

The 4th of July not only marks the birth of the United States.

It is also a day that embodies the values of freedom, democracy and the pursuit of equality -- values that inspired not just Americans but also countless people around the world, including here in Korea.

Korea’s declaration of independence, issued in 1919, solemnly stated that “we shall safeguard our inherent right to freedom and enjoy a life of prosperity.”

These words echoed the ‘self-evident truths’ articulated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

Although the divine right to freedom should indeed be self evident and universal, we know all too well that freedom does not come free.

Here on the Korean Peninsula, Korea and the United States stood shoulder to shoulder to defend freedom and democracy from aggression 70 years ago.  

Last week, I visited the UN Memorial Cemetery in Busan and paid tribute to the 23 hundred souls from the United States and other UN nations interred there.

It was a humbling reminder of the shared history of sacrifice that has fortified our alliance and upheld liberty and democracy for over seven decades.

And even as we speak, the men and women of US Forces Korea are working tirelessly with their counterparts from the ROK Armed Forces in defense of freedom.

I wish to thank all of them for their selfless service.

I am confident that our ironclad alliance is equal to any challenge – just as it has been for over 70 years.

Today, the Korea-US relationship is evolving into a Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance.

This development reflects our shared commitment to expand and strengthen our partnership across multiple domains and help shape the future.

From regional security to global challenges and from industry, science and cutting-edge technology to culture, ours is a partnership that is going from strength to strength.

Our growing partnership is not only making our nations and our region more secure, it is also helping to make our economies more prosperous.

In both Korea and the United States, it is helping to create jobs, drive innovation, and enrich our cultures.

But, our thriving partnership has not been cultivated by our two governments alone.

Our relationship has managed to come as far as it has today thanks to the business leaders, scholars, students, scientists, cultural ambassadors and individuals from all walks of life —to all of you in this room tonight— who are strongly committed to the Korea-US relationship.

You are a testament to all that can be achieved when diverse stakeholders stand together, united by shared values and aspirations.

Tonight, as we celebrate the spirit of independence, let us also continue nurturing our bonds of friendship and trust.

On that final note, let me propose a toast.

Ambassador Goldberg, will you please join me?

Please raise your glasses to our enduring friendship and to the promising future of the Korea-US alliance.

We go together!